All viruses contain the following two components: 1) a nucleic acid genome and 2) a protein capsid that covers the genome. Together this is called the nucleocapsid. In addition, many animal viruses contain a 3) lipid envelope. The entire intact virus is called the virion
<span>Motor end plates are associated with muscular contractions.
Motor end plates are the large and complex end formation of a motor neuron that
builds contact with the skeletal muscle fibers. Without motor end plates,
muscular contractions will not be possible. This works highly during emergency
situations where the body takes a fight or flight reaction. <span>
<span>A good
example is when the fingers touch a burning candle; these motor end plates get
quick impulses from the brain and send
signals to the muscles to move it away to prevent further damage to the body. Without
motor end plates we would be in a heap of trouble as this is the mechanism of
the body responsible for motor skills and quick reaction time.</span></span></span>
12th May at 4.17 PM
This is because this is during the low tides and the low tide is at its lowest, at -0.7, m than any other date or time of the month. This means that most of the shoreline has receded deep into the ocean and exposed most of the continental shelf than any other time. This leaves rooms for more sea shells to be exposed and easily collected.