The family of Mr. Albert
Date : 12 January 2021
It is very unfortunate for us to hear the demise of such a great human like Mr Albert. The earthquake last month made a lot of damage and took our loved ones from us.
Unfortunately Mr. Albert was one of them. He was a helpful person in nature and was very serious about the development of the society. He was a well wisher of our school and helped our institution many times in many ways. My deepest condolence lies with teh family.
Head master
XYZ Public school
Simile and Personification
A <em>simile </em>is when you compare two things using the words like or as.
"The sun was like a staring eye."
A <em>personification </em>is when you give human characteristics to an inanimate object, or an object that wouldn't otherwise have those traits.
"It glared down at Hector in disaproval."
The sun can't physically glare at someone.
In the poem, the writer presents the speakers feeling of love by showing that throughout the rough time they are in, the poem is a feeling of warmth for them. The speaker is supposedly giving the poem to someone they care about to help them get through the hard times and to show they care. Whenever it states "to warm your belly in winter, it is a scarf for your head..." it shows us readers that the speaker is trying to provide a form of protection to their loved ones heart.