Liberal: a person of liberal principles or views, especially in politics or religion. (often initial capital letter) a member of a liberal party in politics, especially of the Liberal party in Great Britain.
Moderate: The term political moderate can generally be used to describe someone who doesn't hold views on the far edges of the political spectrum. Some of these people may identify with a particular party, or they may describe themselves as independents.
Conservative: Conservatism is a political and social philosophy promoting traditional social institutions. The central tenets of conservatism may vary in relation to the traditional values or practices of the culture and civilization in which it appears. In the west, conservatives seek to preserve a range of institutions such as organized religion, parliamentary government, and property rights. Adherents of conservatism often oppose modernism and seek a return to traditional values.
Borderline personality disorder: In psychology, the term borderline personality disorder is also denoted as BPD, and is defined as an individual facing difficulties in regulating his or her emotions. The disorder signifies that an individual who experiences this disorder often intensely feels a particular emotion for a long period and he or she finds it difficult to get back to normal and stable baseline after encountering an emotional event that triggers him or her.
1. Fear of abandonment.
2. Chronic feelings of emptiness.
3. Extreme emotional swings.
4. Impulsive behaviors.
5. Self-harm.
In the question above, Yolanda most likely has borderline personality disorder.
If you don't worry about having a positive attitude toward them you wouldn't be tolerant if there were a mishappening. If you overlook their performance or don't call attention to problems when things are going poorly, you will not help them and you could be also part of the problems you are avoiding.
It's definetly b based off the question