<em>DBMS Performance
Database tuning <em>defines a range of activities that are used to maximize and homogenize a database's output.</em>
This typically coincides with query tuning, but applies to database file layout, DBMS software selection, and database environment setup (operating system, CPU).
Database tuning helps to optimize the use of machine resources in order to carry out work as efficiently and quickly as possible.
Many systems are built to handle their use of system resources, but there is still plenty of space for enhancing their performance by tailoring their server and DBMS settings and configuration.
Good question. The best answer is that it all depends on your project's specifications. Here are a few scenarios where a custom CMS would make sense:
You have security concerns or corporate security requirements that would make off-the-shelf platforms unacceptable. An example of this could be stringent security requirements that limit the amount of software licenses allowed, or that require tightening so severe that it would inhibit the ability of the platform to operate correctly. Also, remember that off-the-shelf platforms are more susceptible to random attacks by bots and other automated attackers.
You require advanced features. If you plan on having a website requiring advanced customization, evaluate if you are pushing the limits of off-the-shelf CMS platforms. An example would be software that is core to your business that must be custom built on top of the CMS platform. Future risks could be the inability to run a proper software update, or even worse, a software update breaking your custom code. It happens all the time!
Computers and Tablets I think
Since both arrays are already sorted, that means that the first int of one of the arrays will be smaller than all the ints that come after it in the same array. We also know that if the first int of arr1 is smaller than the first int of arr2, then by the same logic, the first int of arr1 is smaller than all the ints in arr2 since arr2 is also sorted.
public static int[] merge(int[] arr1, int[] arr2) {
int i = 0; //current index of arr1
int j = 0; //current index of arr2
int[] result = new int[arr1.length+arr2.length]
while(i < arr1.length && j < arr2.length) {
result[i+j] = Math.min(arr1[i], arr2[j]);
if(arr1[i] < arr2[j]) {
} else {
boolean isArr1 = i+1 < arr1.length;
for(int index = isArr1 ? i : j; index < isArr1 ? arr1.length : arr2.length; index++) {
result[i+j+index] = isArr1 ? arr1[index] : arr2[index]
return result;
So this implementation is kind of confusing, but it's the first way I thought to do it so I ran with it. There is probably an easier way, but that's the beauty of programming.
A quick explanation:
We first loop through the arrays comparing the first elements of each array, adding whichever is the smallest to the result array. Each time we do so, we increment the index value (i or j) for the array that had the smaller number. Now the next time we are comparing the NEXT element in that array to the PREVIOUS element of the other array. We do this until we reach the end of either arr1 or arr2 so that we don't get an out of bounds exception.
The second step in our method is to tack on the remaining integers to the resulting array. We need to do this because when we reach the end of one array, there will still be at least one more integer in the other array. The boolean isArr1 is telling us whether arr1 is the array with leftovers. If so, we loop through the remaining indices of arr1 and add them to the result. Otherwise, we do the same for arr2. All of this is done using ternary operations to determine which array to use, but if we wanted to we could split the code into two for loops using an if statement.
Filtering procedure provides an essay and convenient way to visualize or work only with the data we desire without needing to delete those we do not need at that moment.
Filter allows you to view only the information you want to see. Only the required information is displayed at that moment once the filter criteria has been checked.
Filter temporarily hides rows of data that you do not need to view. Rows of data which aren't needed at the moment are temporarily hidden in other to allow user concentrate on the needed data.
Filter allows you to filter text and numeric data. Filtering allows for different filtering criteria, if the user requires working or viewing only on text or numeric data, it is possible with spreadsheet filter.
Filter allows you to view only the information you want to see.
Filter temporarily hides rows of data that you do not need to view
Filter allows you to filter text and numeric data.