C thank you I’ll be here all day you’re welcome
Health insurance.
Car insurance.
Life insurance.
Homeowners insurance.
Renters insurance.
Pet insurance.
I dont rlly know if this is what you meant.. So, I'm just hoping it is. :)
This is an example of the menu costs
Menu costs are costs that firms incurr when they have to update their prices constantly. The may have to print new catalogs, new menus (hence the name). If the business is online, the will have to update the database, and the website. Bookeeping will become more difficult as well.
This also causes problems for customers, who do not know what prices to expect, and might be discouraged to buy. Besides, the inflation rate could be so high, that customers could simply be unable to buy things, since their money might have lost most or all of its value.
When only one person is in control it is called dictatorship. This means dictatorship is ran by the dictator, which is the one person in control.
In the English-speaking part of the world, two-party system is the most common. For example, in the US the two parties are the Democrats and the Republicans.
In many other countries three-and multiple party systems are more common and it is uncommon that a government is not a coalition of two parties (with one or more parties in the opposition)