See explaination
Diverse Subset Problem is NP: When presented with a set of k customers, it can be checked in polynomial time that you wont at any time have two customers in the set have ever bought the same product.
Independent Set is known to be NP-complete.
Independent Set ?P Diverse Subset Problem: Suppose we have a black box for Diverse Subset Problem and want to solve an instance of Independent Set. For our Independent Set Problem, we have a graph G=(V,E) and a number k, and need to find out if G contains an independent set of size (at least) k. We need to reduce the Independent Set Problem to a Diverse Subset Problem. We do this by constructing an array where each v in V is a customer and each e in E is a product, and customer v purchased every product e for which the product edge e touches the customer node v. Then we ask the black box for the Diverse Subset Problem if there is a subset of k customers that is diverse.
The black box for the Diverse Subset Problem will return.
Well, more and more people are buying products and then uploading them online so that other people, who may not have the money or just don't want to buy them can download them for free. Of course, this is illegal, however it is a common practice all over the globe. Even if you are not downloading, but rather just watching a show on a website where you don't have to pay for it - it is still piracy.
Joe should backup all his data from his old mobile device to his PC and then import all the data to his new device via PC. This is the fastest way for transferring data than all the other options mentioned. Most of the time the devices with different OS cannot connect via Bluetooth so option B is not suitable here. If we talk about logging in to same email provider on the new device, it might work but it'll take a lot of time to transfer data to a new device since the data is been copied through internet. If Joe has a strong internet connection than it might be a suitable option for him but what if the connections breaks down in middle of transfer? Similarly NFC also uses internet connection, but that's not only the problem with NFC, like Bluetooth, NFC also works with similar OS devices. Apart from that NFC only transfers small payloads of data.
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