<em>"It means corrective lenses are required."</em>
When a healthcare professional needs to give an answer to the client, this needs to be well-thought and objective, as the client is in a vulnerable position and can be get easily scared about a condition, that he or she doesn't know. There are different types of refraction errors and the healthcare professional can explain to the patient which kind he or she has, patiently and with a lot of tact, in the right moment. However, if the patient is asking for the severity of the problem, the best answer is direct, to tell them lenses will be needed.
The answer is A.) White House Office
According to Annalisa Rossi Del Corso research on Intergenerational relationships (1990), <em>the flow of support between parents and children is reverting with aging of both groups</em>.
Meaning that when children are young, parents provide more support to them. Meanwhile, when parents become older children start to provide support to their parents, and support coming from parents is decreasing. As a result of this process, parents turn from givers to receivers.
In the beginning of Intergenerational relationships, parents are 100% givers and children are 100% receivers. When children grow up, the <u>ratio between support received and support given changes</u>. For example, at the age of 25 child receives 60% of support from parents and provides 40% of support back.
Has higher emotional competence than most men
<u>This is because her nature, or "gift", allows her to naturally know how a person feels when she sees them</u> and use that private information to help them overcome the situations they may be going through or help she can help them by teaching them how to control those emotions and channel them for a good use.
<u>Emotional intelligence is when a person knows their emotions and puts them to good use</u>, in this example, Erandi has very high emotional intelligence and uses it to help people achieve a greater level of emotional intelligence themselves.
Trade along the Silk Road has had the following effects on the world around 1000 CE:
A.) People in South and Eaat Asia ate foods grown in the Middle East.
D.) People in South Asia has access to materials such as silk and glass.