Stage directions are instructions in a play for technical aspects of the production like lighting, sound, costume, scenery or props and most importantly, the movement of actors onstage.
The most common stage directions just tell the actors where to go on the stage. If you're standing on the stage, looking at the audience, stage left would be to your left and stage right would be to your right. Going towards the audience is downstage, and walking away from the audience is upstage.
Stage directions are directions for the stage. Stage directions are script-infused communication from the playwright to the creative team and not spoken to the audience. Stage directions can specify what is happening on stage during a performance. Stage directions can be designating when characters enter and to whom characters are speaking. Stage directions can describe action and movement. Stage directions can detail visual presentation. Stage directions can be perception. They can be cognitive. Stage directions can also be context.
We went out to the park. Then we had some ice cream. next we went to the pool. next we had lunch. then we went to the theme park.Next we had dinner.last we went home.
Yes. actually god made time....not only did he make time, but he equally made it line up with how long does it take for earth to rotate fully or orbit the sun.....hopefully this helps