- thomas edison electric lightbulb - allows factory workers to work after dark
- james watts steam engine - provided affordable power for factories,
trains, and ships
- eli whitney cotton gin - provided an efficient way to process cotton
to use in the growing textile industry
- henry bessermers bessermer process - provided an economical way to convert iron into steel to produce machinery for trains and factories
- louis pasteurs pasteurization process - provided a way to keep food products safer longer and reduce health risks
False —> economic bankruptcy and a large national debt from the war
In October 1781, the war virtually came to an end when General Cornwallis was surrounded and forced to surrender the British position at Yorktown, Virginia.
6 depends on which airport and its location. For example Miami International is always flooded with arrivals and departures for both commercial and cargo
7 Some problems can be heavy traffic hold ups sanitation issues and homelessness
8 birth rates have increased
They were not enslaved because they were liked in north america but hated in most places