The addition of a water molecule breaks a covalent bond between sugar monomers
The digestion of carbohydrates by enzymes is an example of a hydrolysis reaction.
Carbohydrates are chains of monosaccharides. Hydrolysis involves the addition of a water molecule that cleaves the covalent bond between the molecules of sugar.
The reverse reaction is a condensation reaction, the joining of sugar monomers to create a carbohydrate releases a molecule of water.
Darwin’s theory suggests that there is some evolutionary advantage towards beetles because they can use camouflage as a defense strategy against predators.
i honestly don't mean this in a rude way, but the answer to this question should be pretty obvious. try to do your homework on your own, it will really pay off in the long run. believe me, midnight cramming for exams isn't the way to go :/
So in order to form a new organism, two gametes -- the sex cells, sperm and egg -- must fuse, further mixing the genes to produce more genetic diversity. Asexual reproduction is one organism dividing into two organisms without shuffling its genes, so the offspring has the same version of genes as did the parent.
All the blood types are A+, A-, B+, B-, O+, O-, AB+, and AB-.