Supplier dependence
When an entity finds itself in a situation where it has to rely on a particular supplier or provider of service for its business operations, either as a result of not being able to get an alternative supplier or the importance of the suppliers product to the entity, such is called supplier dependence.
It is very risky for an entity to depend on a particular source for input. This reverse order of an entity depending on the supplier for business strategy instead of the supplier depending on the entity is not a good business practice.
It’s easy for our own strategy to be determined by what our suppliers are doing. If we become too dependent, we risk having our strategy set by our suppliers rather than having them support our strategy. I’ve been thinking a lot here recently about how much suppliers can direct you
C. Buddy cannot be a creditor of the corporation after the redemption.
"A stock redemption that terminates a shareholder’s entire stock ownership in a corporation will qualify for sale or exchange treatment under § 302(b)(3). The attribution rules generally apply in determining whether the shareholder’s stock ownership has been completely terminated. However, the family attribution rules do not apply to a complete termination redemption if the following conditions are met:
The former shareholder has no interest, other than that of a creditor, in the corporation for at least 10 years after the redemption (including an interest as an officer, director, or employee).
The former shareholder files an agreement to notify the IRS of any prohibited interest acquired within the 10-year period and to retain all necessary records pertaining to the redemption during this time period."
Reference: South-Western, Thomson. “Chapter 5.” To Qualify for Sale or Exchange Treatment, a Stock Redemption Generally Must Result in a Substantial Reduction in a Shareholde, 2005,
Answer: Under the Equal Pay Act: <u>"d. Wage differentials based on a seniority system are allowed.".</u>
Explanation: The Equal Pay Act states that no employer should discriminate based on sex when paying wages for equal work in jobs But that wage differences can be established according to an seniority system (is allowed).
The answer is: A) the diffusion of economic power limits its potential abuse.
Ina market system, producers will be willing to offer what consumers are willing to pay. That means that consumers are "kings" if competition exists in a market. Consumers should be able to choose what product suits them best and satisfies their needs. A large number of suppliers guarantees more consumer satisfaction.
Problems start when competition starts to vanish and monopolies appear.
The correct answer is: reduce; not as highly valued as others.
All the economic systems must provide people with the goods and services that they want and need. But it is also necessary to limit them from getting as much as they wish.
This is because providing as many goods and services as they want may lead to a reduction in efficiency. Economic efficiency is achieved when resources are allocated in such a way that there is no wastage and resources are allocated to most valued use.
If the economic systems do not restrict the production of goods and services as much as they want it may lead to the production of those goods and services that are not as highly valued as others. This will cause wastage of resources, thus reducing the economic efficiency of the system.