Working capital is essential to a company's fundamental health and operational success. It helps in maintaining a solid balance between growth, profitability and liquidity.
Net working capital is the difference between a business/ company's current assets and current liabilities or debts.
Current assets are cash, accounts receivable and inventories of raw materials and finished goods
Current liabilities are accounts payable.
Working capital helps to maintain smooth operations and help improve a company's earnings and profitability and it includes:
1. Inventory management
2. Management of accounts receivable and account payable.
She should do C, to find the best way to optimize profits.
It is <u>correct </u>to say that Blue Hamster’s net inflows and outflows of cash at the end of Years 1 and 2 are equal to the company’s annual contribution to retained earnings, $4,194,250 and $5,121,531, respectively. This is because <u>all of the items</u> reported in the income statement involve payments and receipts of cash.
Inflow of the company is the income of the company that it gets from the sale of the goods and the services that have been produced by the company by using raw material, labor and so on.
Outflow of the company is the expenditures and costs that the company makes on the production of the goods and services that are to be sold by the company to it's clients to earn revenue. The main purpose of the company is to increase it's inflows as much as possible.
Cash flow is the flow of cash and cash equivalent in and and out of a business.
there are three types of cash flows:
1. Investing cash flow - It involves the use of long term cash. it is the cash flow generated from the purchase and sale of fixed asset e.g. Sale of plant assets.
2. operating cash flow - it shows the net amount of cash generated from a company's normal business operation
3. financing cash flow - it shows the net amount of funding a company receives over a given period e.g. issuance of common stock
Reasons why cash flow analysis is popular
- Cash flows are less subject to manipulation when compared with net income
- Cash flow in often positive when net income is negative or zero