It implies that fame and respect don't keep going long. Something that wilts with speed than a rose is something short lived or impermanent. In spite of the fact that we achieve extraordinary things throughout everyday life, we get old; we may have different conditions that may make us lose the Distinction and respect. We could accomplish something, in life that may even reason us to serve time, in any case, life does not go everlastingly here on earth, nor does the things we have picked up throughout everyday life.
One Rhetorical Device used was Allusion by saying, "On this hallowed ground, heroic deeds were performed and eloquent words were spoken a century ago." He was referring to:
Lincoln's "Gettysburg Address"
His tone had heavy emphases and long pauses, that helped to <span> enhance </span> the seriousness of his topic. Slow and steady with longer pauses.
Example: We do not answer him-we do not answer those who lie beneath this soil-when we reply to the Negro by asking, "Patience."
C). X: liver; Y: eye.
'Root words' are described as the basic version of words that acts as an agent to form a varied number of new words by adding a suffix or prefix to it.
As per the given description, the given chart of medical root words would be completed by placing the meaning/definition 'liver'(in X's place) for 'hepat'(o) while 'eye'(in Y's place) for 'opthalm'(o). Both these words can form different medical terms(that would assist her to learn more conveniently) like;
- 'Hepatogenic' - 'Ophthalmologist.'
- 'Hepatorenal' - 'Ophthalmologist. '
- 'Hepatorenal' - 'Ophthalmic.'
- 'Hepatofugal' - 'Ophthalmoscope.'
I did the same topic. This is for flvs ela correct?
I am still doing the class so i can not give to much of my info away because they would know. Hmm. Okay, I can give you a s ite that will help you because it helped me. But pl z dont re port me for putting a si te, I am just trying to help.
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p lz dont re.po.rt me and can I have brainliest plz. I need 1 more. oh and for the lin ks, just take away the spaces.