For most of the long span of time the Anasazi occupied the region now known as the Four Corners, they lived in the open or in easily accessible sites within canyons. But about 1250, many of the people began constructing settlements high in the cliffs—settlements that offered defense and protection
The Iroquois people lived in longhouses. Longhouses were large wood-frame buildings covered with sheets of elm bark. The Iroquois of today live in modern houses and apartment buildings
Etymology: French, from Algonquian , literally, 'real adders'. Iroquoisnoun. A person belonging to one of these tribes. Etymology: French, from Algonquian , literally, 'real adders'
They were both artists. Georgia O'Keeffe painted flowers, city landscapes, and New Mexico landscapes. Jacob Lawrence painted to tell stories of the African American Life.
Poland was bordered by both the Soviet Union and Germany making it an easy target from both sides.