In the 1960s Both William B. Hartsfield and Ivan Allen Jr. promoted the idea that Atlanta was "a city too busy to hate," in othe
r words, that Atlanta was too busy with its growing industry to have the same racial tensions that were affecting other southern cities at this time. Why do you think the governors wanted to project this image of Atlanta? Do you think Atlanta was really "too busy to hate?" (Hint: the Ivan Allen Jr. video mentions a possible answer at 0:52) (2 sentence minimum).
Answer:The answer I think the governors wanted to project this image of atlanta because Allen’s moderate leadership guided the city through integration at a time when other Southern cities were embroiled in civil rights unrest.Also, it helped promote the city’s economic and physical expansion and a progressive image that attracted new investors, including three major sports franchises the Braves, Falcons, and Hawks.
It is hard to say without looking at your source (textbook or article if you have one associated with this question) but in the most recent studies, it has been Islam.