america red tail eagle and eagle, and the zebra and Oxpeckers eat ticks and other parasites that live on their skin of the zebra and the zebra will help the Oxpeckers by walking long place.and the
squirrle and the nut
People with two copies of the sickle cell gene have the disease. People who carry only one copy of the sickle cell gene do not have the disease, but may pass the gene on to their children. Abnormal hemoglobin, called hemoglobin S, causes sickle cell disease (SCD). The problem in hemoglobin S is caused by a small defect in the gene that directs the production of the beta globin part of hemoglobin. This small defect in the beta globin gene causes a problem in the beta globin part of hemoglobin, changing the way that hemoglobin works.
There are two sets of nerves in your skin. The first type are somatosensory neurons that send sensory information to your central nervous syste. The second set consists of autonomic fibers that control smooth muscle in the skin and the blood vessels in the skin.
The answer is: A
Chemical energy
Answer: 238.0952 cm3
Convert 2.5 kg to grams (=2500), Then divide by 10.5 g to find out the cubic centimeter measurement