La membrana plasmática, también llamada membrana celular, se encuentra en todas las células y separa el interior de la célula del ambiente exterior. En bacterias y en células de plantas, hay también una pared celular que se une a la membrana plasmática en la superficie exterior. La membrana plasmática se compone de una bicapa lipidia que es semipermeable. La membrana plasmática regula el transporte de materiales que entran y salen de la célula.
Answer: use solar energy then
The medication would be the controlled variable, the factor that remains constant.
- <u>Eukaryotes</u> are organisms that contain more than one cell with membrane-bound organelles and a nucleus.
- Organisms that contain only one cell and do not contain a nucleus or membrane-bound organelles are known as <u>prokaryotes</u>.
According to their structural and functional complexity, organisms can be classified into eukaryotes and prokaryotes.
- <em><u>Eukaryotic organisms</u></em><em> are formed by cells that have a true nucleus -where DNA is located- and specialized structures called organelles, with a system of endomembranes that compartmentalize the intracellular space. These organisms are usually pluricellular, given the ability of eukaryotic cells to group together to form tissues.
- <em><u>Prokaryotic organisms</u></em><em> are single cells, lacking a nucleus - genetic material is scattered in the cytoplasm - and do not possess organelles. The prokaryotic cells that form these organisms are incapable of binding together, so they do not form tissues.</em>
Some unicellular organisms are prokaryotic cells, like some parasitic microorganisms, such as amoebas.