In The True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle, Charlotte is accused of a serious crime that she didn’t commit. There was this one time I got accused of stealing my sisters food. I said I didn't take it but I actually did take her food. Me and my sister would always play around like that. She would steal my food and I would steal hers. When she found out I took her food she got mad then sticked her tongue out at me and stool my food. Why did Charlotte keep the dirk? Charlotte was bored living on the ship because she didn't have her family and she was also upper-class. This changed because she got to meet the crew and the captain face-to-face, she also met new people that are really nice like Zachariah. Ever sense that time I still still steal my sisters food and she still steals mine.
Editorial of Commendation.
An editorial can be defined as an article that presents the opinion of the editorial board, publisher, or senior writer on a subject, current event or a particular issue. There are different types of editorials and these includes;
I. Editorial of Interpretation.
II. Editorial of Information.
III. Editorial of Criticism.
IV. Editorial of Entertainment.
VI. Mood editorial.
VII. Editorial of Argumentation.
VIII. Editorial of Commendation
Editorial of Commendation are praises, which commends or gives tribute to a person or organization. It is typically based on accomplishments, deeds, or worthwhile projects that have been executed in the past by an individual or organization.
For example, a laurel given to Barcelona football club for winning the UEFA champions league.
I'm, not 100% sure but he did ask a common question and it was answered