Can u take a screenshot of the whole question for me
6 salespersons
A histogram shows the graphical representation of the distribution of numerical data using bars of different lengths.
From the histogram:
The number of salespersons who sold 11 - 12 packages = 1
The number of salespersons who sold 13 - 14 packages = 2
The number of salespersons who sold 15 - 16 packages = 3
Therefore the new agents who sold more than 10 vacation packages = 1 + 2 + 3 = 6 salespersons
The scrap material is that material that is not usable for the or the services are no longer available and these products are not used so far for the production process. It is totally and completely discarded and used as a by product production process
Hence, the correct option is scrap
And all other options are wrong and incorrect
A. The balance sheet reports the performance of the firm over the past period. It summaries and categorizes a company's revenues and expenses for that period.
The balance sheet is a financial document or statement that shows a company's total assets at a particular time. It indicates how the assets are financed. A balance sheet reports the net worth of a business. It shows the assets, the liabilities, and the shareholders' equity.
The preparation of a balance sheet follows the principle of assets equals the sum of liabilities and equity. It does not record incomes of expenses of a business for a financial year. The income statement is the financial report that shows the revenue and expenses of a company in a period.
Usually they start out small as family-owned restaurants and gradually increase until chains are created