As for this problem, the most probable and the most likely answer to this would be C) The rate of the photosynthesis increases with an increase in carbon dioxide.
Taking into consideration what was given that there are two areas with equal sunlight and available water. Both areas are named as Area I and Area II respectively. While Area I has a high amount of atmospheric carbon dioxide, the Area II has a low amount of atmospheric carbon dioxide. We all know that plants need carbon dioxide in order to perform photosynthesis and as a result, release oxygen to the environment. Thus, the higher the amount of carbon dioxide, with enough sunlight and available water, the higher the rate of photosynthesis will be.
The nurse should perform the ABC's, which starts out with A- Airway B- Breathing, and C- Circulation, if any of these are not within normal limits then the child will be given a dose of epinephrine (1/1,000) .3mg IM, Benadryl 25/50 mg followed by a dose of solumedrol
Los fertilizantes ayudarán a las plantas a crecer mientras que los pesticidas matan a las plantas y los insectos