The answer is similar ecological opportunities on different continents have produced some striking examples of convergent evolution.
When the Pangea continent broke apart, different continents bore varying climates hence species adapted to their environment. Convergent evolution occurred when different species gained similar anatomical features that are resourceful in the environment (continent) in which they are living. An example of convergent evolution is exhibited in bats that are mammals but have features analogous to those of birds such as wings.
second one is not a function of lipids(fats)
Proteins, nucleic acids, and carbohydrates are grouped by common structural features found within their group. lipids can be grouped based on their high solubility in nonpolar solvents, and their preponderance of nonpolar groups.
Non-polar solvents cannot dissolve a polar compounds since no opposite charge exist, and the polar compound is not attracted. It is this becuase of absence of partial charge that also makes these molecules non-polar. Some of examples of non-polar solvents include benzene, hexane, pentane, toluene, etc.
Higher the solubility of a compound is that the larger the amount of the compound which can dissolve in a solution.
Learn more about nonpolar solvents here
They play huge role in organisms, every living organism needs proteins.
- enzymatic role ( they build enzymes which lower an activation energy in reactions and increase reaction speed)
- hormonal role (they build hormons)
- structural role (for example keratin)
- transport role ( for example hemoglobin)
- energetic role ( for example aleurone grains in plant cells or they are used to gain energy in human organism when it's out of lipids and carbohydrates)