A law is something that can be measured or observed to be true. A theory, is something that can be assumed to be true based on the best available knowledge.
On a giant pasteboard with pictures, and explanation on what each type of engineer.
Answer: By the help of the fluid delivered from the pancreas.
The human body is a very complex system consisting of many organ and organ system.
One of those systems is the the digestive system. By the help of this system the digestion and absorption of food takes place.
There are numerous number of enzymes involved in the digestion of the food released by various organs. The pancreatic and intestinal enzymes are secreted that work at alkaline pH, but the chyme that is secreted from the deodenum is slightly acidic yet they work together.
This is because pancreas pour enzyme into small intestine which is alkaline and it then secretes huge amount of sodium bicarbonate which neutralizes the acidity of the stomach and makes the pH optimum for the digestion of food.
sorry yan lang alam ko pa brainliest ANSWER
अज { masculine }
अज back translations:
अजा { noun feminine }
छाग { masculine }
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