Bang! Bang!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ok first of all his name is not jesus jesus is zeus the messhiach in the sriptures is yahoshuwah there are many parts to what he said but the three parts of learning is read learn and live
because its 2018 people what do you expect
Answer and Explanation:
The ancient Israeli religion is the term used to determine the beginnings of Judaism, which was presented without dividing its strands and with compliance, without exception to the 613 precepts stipulated by Jewish Law. In addition, this religion presented a strong literal and complex interpretation of the Israelite scriptures and prophets, focusing on the historical growth and practices that the Israelites were creating through the passage of time.
The main difference between the ancient Israeli religion and Judaism is the lack of softer and less rigid strands.
The fall of Ancient Rome started from about AD 190. The Roman Empire was attacked by tribes such as the Goths and the Vandals. Civil wars in parts of the empire further weakened the rule of Rome and respect for Roman law dwindled as a result.