It has a negative impact on the environment by allowing toxic chemicals to harm wildlife.
Mining refers to the act of extracting minerals and other valuable solids from the earth's crust. The process of mining can have adverse effect on an ecosystem in the sense that wildlife is threatened during the process.
During the mining process, chemicals, which are toxic to living organisms, from the minerals gets washed into the areas surrounding the mining site. Thereby, causing serious harm to the wildlife living in those areas.
We can’t predict what will happen when a predator is lost from an ecosystem; there are too many unknown ways that species interact, and the processes take place over scales of tens to thousands of square kilometers. The true effect of a loss can’t be known until years or decades after it has taken place.
yes this is called survival of the fittest
The biological concept of fitness is defined as reproductive success. In Darwinian terms the phrase is best understood as "Survival of the form that will leave the most copies of itself in successive generations."
Answer: Fibrin.
Blood clotting refers to a process where clump of blood transform from liquid to gel like, thereby forming clot. These occur when there is cessation of blood loss due to damaged vessels.
When a blood vessel is damaged, it is exposed to some factors which lead to platelet plug formation. The platelet seal together to form a cover on the damaged vessels.
Coagulation occurs where fibrin form a mesh that collect the platelet, blood cells and plasma. The fibrin mesh contract and drain out the fluid content.