The countries that have benefited from the use of mircocredit + why.
Four examples are Benin, Rwanda, Senegal, and Tanzania. They have benefited because microcredit, or microfinance, because it is the lifeline of low-income earners which those countries are full of.
9 miles from east to west
I think Joe Biden won... Donald Trump was having a hard time with the Moderator, Trump was called out for interrupting many times and talking when it was Biden's interrupted 2 minutes, Trump had signed a contract saying not to interrupt, I feel like America will see he is not keeping his word to the contract well, Not to be judgmental but I think we can saw Biden played well
Your body's automatic, physical response to conflict is called stress. The correct option among all the options given in the question is option "c". The body feels the stress, but the stress acts on a person mentally. This mental stress shows in the body movement and thinking process of the person. Stress can be a cause for trauma as well.