Even thought there is no work in italics like there should be I can tell that expand is the work that you were talking about, and enlarge is a synonom of expand.
northeast, northwest, southeast and southwest.
The intermediate directions are northeast, northwest, southeast and southwest. They are also called ordinal and intercardinal directions. They are the directions in between the cardinal directions (north, south, east and west) on a compass.
Since inflation is on the high and the unemployment rates are not that worrying, Austerity would be some options of fiscal policy to increase the revenue while lowering the inflation and cut expenses, even though it increases the unemployment rates. Austerity measures can be risky for the economy, because little spendings on some sectors can throw the economy out of balance.
As the exercise describes, one of the most shameful violations of research ethics to date, nearly 400 African American men from Tuskegee (later called the Tuskegee syphilis experiment) were not informed that they had been diagnosed with syphilis and were not provided with available, effective treatments for this illness. The aim of this study was to observe and analyze how syphilis proceded when untreated. So, this men were told they were being treated for free.