While the means to why they invest can be different, most people invest in stocks to provide for their retirement. When you retire, it doesn't mean you suddenly don't have to pay for anything. You'll have to either save a large amount of money or have an investment to draw upon when you retire.
Lisa Greenbaum is a teacher from the public school, University Heights High School from South Bronx.
"Three Miles" is a radio podcast in the series "This American Life". It tells the story of how two teachers from two very different schools 'experimented' with an exchange program to help their students discover how different lives are.
Lisa Greenbaum is a teacher from a public school, University Heights High School. Along with Fieldston High School's teacher, Angela Vassos, Lisa embarked on the special 'exchange program' to help their students understand how different life can be. Though both schools are located in the Bronx area of New York, one school is a public school with little to no facilities while the other is an elite private school.
Airplanes brought several changes to our societies, lives and environment. Within the pros of this new mean of transport we can find the increase of the speed in which we travel and goods reach another shore. This affected positively the price of merchandises, which became easier to obtain around the world. What in the past was limited to be transported by land or across the sea, with the risk of never arriving, now it is very easy to obtain. Of course that they also opened a lot of new job opportunities for quite a few people. New careers were created and now a lot of people profit from this industry. Last but not least is the industry of tourism. Travelling has become much easier and practical since planes began to transport us.
On the other hand, the impact on the environment was not as good as in the others. Planes consume, and realease in the atmosphere, fosil fuels. This is limiting our natural resources at an incredible speed, apart from the fact that it contributes negatively to the matter of pollution.
1. Answer: People didn't have to trade goods.
With a unitary currency, trading goods became easier. It also allowed people to have a standardized form of trading, where each commodity had the same value for everyone. Also, money it made possible for people not to have goods and still trade and buy stuff. It also allowed them not to carry their commodity around when they wanted to trade. Money was a precondition for open market and competition. Money was a starting point for credit system and banking.
2. Answer:
Paper money was easier to handle and carry around. It is also fictional because, it has no other value, but the value people gave it in order to recognize it as an official form of money. It is originally issued by banks, and is a legal requirement for buying commodity. First paper money originated in South-East Asia and China. A disadvantage for paper money is that it makes inflation possible, which is made financial crises, because the money loses all of its value.
3. Answer:
The best thing to put on the coin is a symbol of the state - a government's house, or some former leader - founding father of the country. This symbol should be on the back of a coin, while on the front there should be the amount of money this coin represents. While coins nowadays represent small amounts of money, there should be a denomination of 1 or 2 on the front side of the coin.