Answer: C
Hi, the answer to this problem is C.
This is because it is asking for the complementary strand.
Basically, the nucleotide A goes with T, and C goes with G, and both vise versa.
Since this is DNA, A goes with T.
So you would match it up. For the first one, we have C. That means for the first letter of the correct answer, it should be G. Do this until you get through the whole sequence, and eventually, you will get the answer C.
Hope this helps!
Valley fever is also referred as coccidioidomycosis. It is an acute infection caused by a fungi called coccidioides. The fungi present in the soil in a particular region. The spores of the fungi spread into air through wind, construction work or farming. Through breathing fungi reached to the lungs causing valley fever. The symptoms of coccidioidomycosis includes fever, pain in chest and coughing. Mild valley fever get cured in due course of time by itself but in severe cases antifungal medicines are prescribed by the physicians.
For a punnett squares the F is the dominant gene and the f is the recessive gene
So the top would most likely be a male and the top would a male and the side would be the female
This is for kids
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Marketing is one of the most important factors in determining the success of any fruit and vegetable farming enterprise. Marketing includes all the operations and decisions made by producers. These decisions range from deter-mining the most marketable crops for production to deciding how to best deliver quality produce to the consumers at a profit. However, contrary to popular belief, marketing does not begin after a crop is produced. Instead, marketing alternatives need to be considered even before production takes place.
Recent environmental and food safety concerns in the United States produce sector have brought about increasing interest in organic fruit and vegetable production as an alternative to traditional fruit and vegetable enterprises. As a result, the production and marketing of organic crops has expanded steadily during the 1980s. However, as more organic producers enter the industry and it becomes more and more competitive, existing producers are forced to become better growers and more effective marketers.