Hello! Allow me to help!
Your question: Can the atmosphere change in its composition?
My answer: Our atmosphere is made up of many different gases. The most common gases are nitrogen, oxygen and argon. But, the exact amount of each gas is always changing.
Why is my answer correct? Good question! Allow me to explain: Tropical deforestation not only has a large impact on the carbon cycle and climate, but also affects the chemistry of the atmosphere. Together with the carbon cycle and weather patterns land use can affect the concentrations of greenhouse gases like methane and ozone.
Over a vast amount of time, millions of years, the earth gradually cooled. When the temperature dropped enough, water vapor condensed and went from a gas to liquid form. This created clouds. From these clouds, the oceans formed and the oceans absorbed a lot of the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.
Changes in atmospheric composition and the rest of the climate system would include temperature, rainfall, and humidity, which would affect the economic importance, geographical distribution, and management of diseases effecting crop production.
Hope this helps! UwU
Energy is lost at several levels from the body of an organism. Two of the phenomenons through which energy is lost are
When a body is in contact with another body, energy is lost in the form of heat. For example, if we sleep on a cold floor, energy from our body would be lost to the floor in the form of heat,
Energy is lost when cells in a body die and energy is required for decomposition also.
The appropriate response is aponeurorrhaphy. Aponeurorrhaphy alludes to the stutured of an aponeurosis, which is the more profound and thicker band of stringy connective tissue appending muscles to bones. It is a strategy in which the solid sheet of tissue that fortified the patient's muscle to close-by bone.
El transporte celular ayuda a las células a mantener la homeostasis manteniendo rangos normales dentro de todas las células de un organismo.