It is situated between the Atlantic coastal plain and the main Appalachian Mountains, stretching from New York in the north to central Alabama in the south.
1. Patricians
2. Plebeians
3. It was the first Roman law
4. Consuls
1. Patricians were known to be the wealthiest and most of them were aristocrats. They were allowed to be a part of the government. Also, their women also enjoyed some degree of freedom.
2. All other citizens in Rome were referred to as Plebeians. They were common people who were mainly landowners, shop keepers, and merchants. They couldn't hold the public office but they were allowed to vote.
3. The law of 12 tables was important because it was the first Roman law to help people identify legal and illegal activities.
4. Consuls had the highest level. Each year the citizens of Rome elected two consuls whose power was equally divided and served for one year.
We realize that the devoted credited the auxiliary accomplishment of Hagia Sophia to divine mediation. Nothing is more illustrative of the state of mind than portrayals of the vault of Hagia Sophia. Procopius, biographer of the Emperor Justinian and writer of a book on the structures of Justinian is the first to declare that the arch drifted over the working by heavenly intercession.
According to Procopius the tremendous circular vault [makes] the structure astoundingly delightful. However it appears not to settle upon strong stone work, but rather to cover the space with its brilliant vault suspended from Heaven. (Paraphrase from "The Buildings" by Procopius, Loeb Classical Library, 1940, online at the University of Chicago Penelope project)
The depiction turned out to be a piece of the legend of the extraordinary church and is rehashed and again throughout the hundreds of years. A gander at the base of the arch clarifies the portrayals.
Since Procopius was a writer of the Emperor Justinian and author of a book on the buildings of Justinian. He was the primary to say that the dome of Hagia Sophia floated over the building by divine intervention. He was happy as a result of the building was monumental and it passed the high blue standards. It had been a real illustration of the God and its divine power. What’s less famed is that Procopius detested Justinian and even referred to him as a daemon. Procopius came from the aristocracy, which as a gaggle resented Justinian and Theodora. A part of the matter were the peasent background of each the emperor and Emperor.
a. is not protected by the whistleblower statute because she failed to inform the proper party of the contract violation.
Erin works for a dry-cleaning company that has a contract with the U.S. government. To save on cleaning fluid, her boss orders her to wash some clothes that are supposed to be dry-cleaned in a washing machine. When the courier hired to pick up the cleaned garments arrives, Erin tells him about her boss's actions. Erin tells no one else about what is going on and is later fired. Erin <u>is not protected by the whistleblower statute because she failed to inform the proper party of the contract violation</u>.
The whistleblower act of 1989 grants protection to individuals who reveal or exposes any illegal or unethical practices going on in the organization in which they act to the right authorities or concerned/affected individuals.
Erin did not carryout a whistleblowing act as he did not reveal/expose the unethical practices of his boss to the right authorities or affected individuals and as such he will not be protected under the whistleblower policy.