It Will Ask You To Input An Old Password "Current" Password And A "New" Password After That Is Done You Can Use The "New" Password Instead Of The "Old" Password.
Instruction in memory has two parts: opcode and operands. The operands are subjects of the operation, such as data values, registers, or memory addresses. Due to variety of opcodes and operands, instructions may occupy different sizes of bytes in memory
Arithmetic Exception is the correct answer to the following blank.
Because the BigDecimal class is the class of the Java Programming Language that deal with the double data type numbers for the arithmetic expressions and also for the format conversions and it is the math type class of the Java Programming language which is used in arithmetic operations. So, that's why the following answer is not wrong.
jsskaaaahujpjbhdueiwiwopwpwpwwieuehbfcnnccjxkxooss8ahwhwwnekdodod8djhdmslwoaishwhwkqoq18829293i4644673819191jednsmzljesksowlwlwpwpwnwkpwwwww waaaaayushsjsnmssoss ss sosijw