"In the early days of germ theory, contagious diseases
were thought to be caused by fungi or bacteria. In the 1890's, Dmitri
Ivanovski filtered extracts from diseased tobacco plants and discovered
that the disease could be transmitted to new plants through the
filtrate. He concluded that the disease was caused by particles smaller
than bacteria; the tobacco mosaic virus", is partially correct. Dmitri
Ivanovski discovered that filtered extracts from diseased tobacco plants
could be transmitted to new plants through the filtrate. However, it
was Dutch microbiologist Martinus Beijerinck who, while replicating
Ivanovsky's experiments, proved that the filtrate contained a new
infectious agent. Beijerinck named this agent a virus.
Your question has been heard loud and clear.
Lactobacillus is a type of bacteria that mainly occurs in fermented media like yoghurts and curds , but they are mostly present in our body and make up a part of our microbiome by being present in our digestive tracts , genital systems and urinary tracts , doing their job without harming us.
Thank you.
You need Light for Chlorophyll activation
So I guess its The Light Absorbing Pigment.
A fire will burn all of its potential energy while cellular respiratory will store it as ATP
burning a fire releases all of the energy in the fuel as heat and light.
Hope this Helps
They are little soft bodied insect. They suck the plant's nutritious liquid and if they are in large number, they can kill the plants.