Well I don't know if this is three ways but this is what I know. when there is conflict and the child gets mad and blocks you out "You as in the adult" they realize after a while that with out you they would have nothing that they have now and that they wouldn't even be here and life with out you would be bad and lonely and hard to work with so then the child will think positively about what he or she has and be thankful for it and that builds a positive relationship off of a negative conflict :) . I know this from my own experiences so I hope that what I know is a help to you and if its not that's ok
Th same amount is the same as equivalent
I say the antagonist, because the devil is agaisnt the main protaginist.
Nobel Lecture delivered December 11, 1986. As a survivor of the Holocaust of World War II, Wiesel relates the past to the future through memory, the source, he asserts, of hope as well as despair.