By God, Gold, and Glory, I assume you mean them as three reasons for exploration. Spreading monotheistic religion (I.e. God) was a common reason for exploration due to the large influence religion (especially Christianity) had on people. Many explorers were missionaries, who attempted to convert people from all over the world to their religion. Secondly, gold (or wealth) was another reason for exploration. Everyone in the past wanted wealth just as much as people today wanted wealth, so the promise of it was almost certain to get people to go and explore (see the California Gold Rush as an example.) Finally, glory was the last major reason for exploration. Everyone wanted to be famous for something as much as people today do, and what better way to do that than to discover a place not yet documented on a map? People who got back form exploration alive were often treated as heroes, mainly because of the kinds of things they had to endure during their trip.
From the diary of a Surgeon at Valley Forge
The choices are missing on this question. However, Askia the
Great was known to be one of the greatest leaders of the Songhai Empire. He was
able to expand its territory and encouraged learning and literacy in his
Empire. Askia used to be a general of the Songhai Empire but was able to get
the crown because of Sunni Baru’s choice of religion.
GDP(Gross Domestic Production) is used to detect inflation in the nation.
- GDP is a round figure of production of the nation which means taxes, wages, salaries, imported money, foreign exchange currency etc. that all comes under GDP.
- Through GDP, the nation concludes its inflation and production rate of the country. GDP also affects the stock market.
- GDP used to analyse performance of a country in a year. The next year’s budget is based on GDP which helps to bring economic reforms for the next economic year.