Both Flat, round discs.
A DVD can hold six times as much as compacity than a disc.
A CD is a Compact Disc.
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
void funct(){
string name;
cout<<"enter the string: ";
reverse(name.begin(), name.end());
cout<<"The string is : "<<name<<endl;
int main()
return 0;
create the function funct() with return type void and declare the variable type string and print a message for asking to used enter the string.
The string enter by user is store in the variable using cin instruction.
after that, we use a inbuilt function reverse() which takes two argument.
firs argument tell the starting point and second index tell the ending point. then, the reverse function reverse the string.
name.begin() it is a function which return the pointer of first character of string.
name.end() it is a function which return the pointer of last character of the string.
finally, print the reverse string.
for calling the function, we have to create the main function and then call the function.
readline() method is used to read one line from a file. It returns that line from the file.
This line from the file is returned as a string. This string contains a \n at the end which is called a new line character.
So the readline method reads text until an end of line symbol is encountered, and this end of line character is represented by \n.
For example if the file "abc.txt" contains the lines:
Welcome to abc file.
This file is for demonstrating how read line works.
Consider the following code:
f = open("abc.txt", "r") #opens the file in read mode
print(f.readline()) # read one line from file and displays it
The output is:
Welcome to abc file.
The readline() method reads one line and the print method displays that line.
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