I've included my code in the picture below. Best of luck.
Instruction in memory has two parts: opcode and operands. The operands are subjects of the operation, such as data values, registers, or memory addresses. Due to variety of opcodes and operands, instructions may occupy different sizes of bytes in memory
bool isPalindrome(string str)
int length = str.length();
for (int i = 0; i < length / 2; i++) {
if (str [i] != str [length – 1 – i]) {
return false;
cout << str << "is a palindrome";
return true;
The beginning development of a
star is marked by a supernova explosion, with the gases present in the nebula
being forced to scatter. As the star shrinks, radiation of the surface
increases and create pressure on the outside shell to push it away and forming
a planetary nebula or white dwarf.
develop a business plan to describe how to maintain and grow revenues