In the U.S, the Office of Management and Budget "c. oversees the preparation of the federal budget," although this is done in coordination with the president.
B because slavery was always important and many weren’t freed in till Lincoln.
The Reform Act 1832 was passed in 1832. It disenfranchised 56 boroughs in England and Wales and reduced another 31 to only one. It broadened the franchise's property qualification in the counties, to include small landowners, tenant farmers, and shopkeepers. It excluded women from voting, as a voter was defined in the Act as a male person. But it had been proved that change was possible and over the next decades the call for further parliamentary reform continued. The Act was passed due to Lord Grey's plan to persuade King William IV to consider using his constitutional powers to create additional Whig peers in the House of Lords. On hearing of this plan, Tory peers abstained from voting and the Bill was passed. The Representation of the People Act 18 32, known as the first Reform Act or Great Reform Act, extended the franchise to all householders who paid a yearly rental of £10 or more and some lodgers. It also created a uniform franchise in the boroughs.
New Netherland was a region that included parts of New York, Delaware, New Jersey and Connecticut. Dutch control of the New Netherland lasted only about 50 years.
They were ruled by a patroon system created by The West India Company in order to establish a prosperous trading empire. The patroon system consisted in granting huge parcels of land and feudal rights to individuals who could finance the settlement of 50 adults, this was only granted to those with connections to The West India Company and resulted in exclusive political power in the hands of a few.
The Dutch emphasized in trading posts and did not encourage the large-scale movement of their population (which undermined support for Dutch rule) only small traders were willing to seek out their fortunes along the North American shore. They gave North America less attention compared to it's other colonies and were more focused on trading than on politics.
In 1642 and the following years, English settlers arrived to western Long Island. They were well received by the Director of New Netherland (Willem Kieft). Willem Kieft gave them lands and authorized the establishment of town governments. (Mespath, Hempstead, Vlissingen and Gravesend). They were granted liberty of creating their own politics and they established them soon as their territories were granted but the next director Stuyvesant opposed to it.
While English setters were expanding he Dutch and English were battling for supremacy in shipping and trade, and fought three naval wars (1652 - 1674), Charles II promised New Netherland to his brother James, Duke of York. James sent Colonel Richard Nicolls to seize the colony. Their army arrived to Long Island in August and moved to Brooklyn enlisting support from the English towns and offered fair treatment for those who surrender.
Peter Stuyvesant was forced to surrender the colony under generous circumstances.
Dutch policies focused more on trading and since their patroons were free to rule their land, when the English came and convinced them to join them granting them trade benefits and wealth the Dutch empire was left with no option than to surrender.
Many experts believe that all humans can be traced back to the continent of Africa, since migratory patters can be found from fossil evidence that then spread through Europe and Asia.