Answer:a monk practices Buddhist meditation.
Sparta had what is known as a diarchical monarchy. The government's complete makeup consisted of dual kings; a council of about 30 gerontes or gerousia, which are rich elders; the ephors, a small council of five people and an assembly, called the Appella or Demos, of the common people who gathered once a month. The ephors were voted in yearly and this group held a lot of power. The ephors had the power to put the kings on trial and possibly impeach him if found guilty. This small council of five served as a type of supreme court. There were two members of the ephors always with the kings on military campaigns to help keep an eye on the interests of the state.
Answer: Easier life for us humans. Since the stage of "hunt and gather" has been replaced with sedntary cultures, now we dont have to do the things people did back then. Example hunt, move place to place to find food, walk, send mails or go directly to a person to talk to them. Now we have become lazy leting technology do the life things that people did back then without us needed to even get off of our feet to do them we can just do them directly from our homes throught the internet.