People may participate in politics in many ways. They can write their Representative or Senator, or work in for a candidate or political party. They can make presentations to their local school board or city council, or call the police to complain about the neighbor's dog. Partly because of our federalist system, people have many opportunities to participate in our democracy on federal, state, and local levels. Some forms of participation are more common than others and some citizens participate more than others, but almost everyone has a voice in government.
We can contact our government officials when we want to support or change a law. Voting in an election and contacting our elected officials are two ways that Americans can participate in our democracy. There are many different ways people can participate in local government and be involved in council decision-making processes. Voting for council. Standing as a candidate for council. Making a submission on the boundaries for wards and constituencies – the representation arrangements.
The Franco-Prussian War (1870) was a conflict between the Second French Empire and Third French Republic, and the states of North German Confederation led by the Kingdom of Prussia. It resulted in a German victory and it was a key part of the wars of Unification of Germany made specifically to building an integrated nation state from the former Empire. This ultimately set the precedents for Nazi Germany and World War II.
Record Group 46; Records of the United States Senate, 1789-1990; National Archives.) The Monroe Doctrine was articulated in President James Monroe's seventh annual message to Congress on December 2, 1823.