Mass does not affect gravity and distance has an indirect relationship.
The equation for gravity is, g = 
where, G = gravitational constant
M = mass of the planet
R = distance between the bodies (object and center of planet)
so, gravity depends on the mass of planet, not on mass of object
and is inversely proportional to sqaure of distance.
I think
Prometer---> Spot where transcription begins
Operator ---> On/Off switch
Terminator ---> Spot where transcription ends
Seven days after a spring tide, the sun and moon are at right angles to each other. This produces moderate tides known as neap tides, meaning that high tides are a little lower and low tides are a little higher than average. Neap tides occur during the first and third quarter moon, when the moon appears "half full.
Mediante la fotosíntesis, las plantas transforman el CO2 atmosférico, o del agua, en materia orgánica (carbohidratos, lípidos, proteínas y ácidos nucleicos), de la que se alimentan los seres vivos a través de las cadenas alimentarias, donde pasa a formar parte del cuerpo de estos seres vivos.