music builds motivation, & helps with concentration, depending on what you're doing/listening to, it can also help with expression/emotion. upbeat music helps us produce dopamine and serotonin.
Laughing can relieve muscle tension and stress. Laughing also causes your brain to release hormones like endorphins. It also decreases stress hormones, which is a big help. When you laugh you also take deep breaths, so you end up getting more oxygen in our blood stream. Laughing can also improve your immune system, so you can fight off infections better. Try to expand on that. Hope that helps.
The Henry Halstead Orchestra
The Henry Halstead Orchestra
Well one thing that Abraham Lincoln embodied was unity. In his speech "A House Divided" it was all about being united, and if we were split up as a nation, or even within our own families we wouldn't be able to stand. The nation (or family) would fall apart because unless we are working together, things can't go correctly.
If you read through the other poems and memoir chapter, I'm sure you can come up with a few more answers.