Booker t Washington was a big believer that education would be the source of social mobility and a means to acquire power in American society. He believed that if a large amount of the black population could become educated (and keep in mind a majority of the black population was illiterate at the time) they would rise to power in society and become respected as equals in American society. This was in contrast to his contemporaries who believed that political demonstrations, protests and other ways of "fighting" for social and political power were more effective. Booker T Washington was also a career educator and founded the Tuskegee Institute which was one of the first historically black colleges, and is still educating students to this day.
It took Samuel Adams and his men about 3 hours to dump the tea out of all three ships.
A) Bush stirs up emotions of brotherhood and freedom to inspire Americans.
Bush had given several speeches during the 9/11 period, and the statements mainly focused on attacks by terrorist attacks that occurred at different times. Therefore, in his speech, he was trying to put the Americans together by explaining the importance of people coming together from all races during this challenging time.
In the last part of his speech, he discussed how the Americans would defend freedom if they moved forward together; the statement created hope and justifies the actions of the Americans.
They were not protected by the government