It depends whether we are talking of animals or humans re community stability and diversity. Since we are speaking of community most likely it is to do with humans. Humans maintain community stability by sharing their knowledge and experience and volunteering to develop community programs like gardens in a neighborhood and develop diversity by including people of all backgrounds and races and encouraging their participation.
Soil is composed of disintegrated rock particles, humus, water and air. Litter is composed of humus and leaf litter. Also called nutrient cycle, The Gersmehl diagram was created in 1976 by P. F. Gersmehl whit the purpose of showing the differences innutrient flow and storage betweendifferent ecosystem
Fresh water is any body of water with a low salt concentration. Organisms in fresh water various challenges which includes; Osmotic concentration such that fresh water is permanently dilute and most cells cannot function at this concentration of ions. Varying temperatures, variation in oxygen levels and reproduction and life cycle due to permanence of habitat and physiological difficulty of regulating osmotic concentration in larvae and juveniles.
The healthy individual should be fit physically, mentally as well as socially. The mental health related problems can destroy the thinking power of an individual and can lead to stress and depression as well.
The proper and specialize psychiatric mental health nursing is required for the treatment of the individual. The statement that nursing diagnosis is done according to the client and family needs correction because the diagnosis depends on the health of the patient.