This activity help the children to understand the concept of
compound words. Compound words are comprise of two or more words
that are joined to make a new term with its own significance. The smaller words
that form a compound word are like mystery pieces you appropriate together to make
a new finer picture. For example snow and man, the compound word now is
<span>All constitutions must be written constitutions.</span> False.
Because of the increase in exports of primary products and imports of cotton textiles Southeast Asia exported rubber, sugar, coffee, and tea while it imported manufactured goods from Europe and USA where industrialization was in progress.
Answer: so they can be garented elected.
The Mormon pioneers were known as very hard working and industrious people. They were very well organized and had great faith that God was on their side and therefore they could succeed. From their struggles, they learned to work together to survive. Immediately after they arrived, they plotted out a city and began digging irrigation lines from mountain streams to the valleys below. Crops were planted before homes were built.
People were organized into companies to settle various areas which would produce different items based on the climate - those sent to southern Utah grew cotton and raised silkworms; Northern Utah was ideal for dairy farming; Central Utah had areas for mining and timber. They worked together to build homes, often many families would share a small cabin until more could be built. Because timber was hard to find and nails were extremely rare, they made do with what they had, making adobe homes and lashing wood frames together with hides.
Rather than become dependent on expensive shipments from the East, they made their own materials (including yarn and fabric!) and sold the excess to those traveling further west to California and Oregon. It took a lot of faith and hard work, but the Mormon pioneers turned what was practically a barren wasteland into a thriving and prosperous place.