In a time of downturn, the economy needs a push by implementing at least temporary help with fiscal policy . The government can assist with many creative ways from social insurance to building roads and thus generating new jobs while the upturn approaches. The difference is that negotiations over automatic stabilizers can be carried out when the economy is doing well and delay isn't as costly, and the negotiations only have to be carried out once instead of in each and every downturn.
The Time of Chaos during the collapse of Rome
Jefferson: Louisiana Purchase , Lewis and Clark Expedition
Madison: War of 1812, British burn down the white house, Era of Good Feelings
-The US was growing as a well respected nation who was now fighting its own battles and experiencing major growth in dealing with expansion and government
All three were important politicians in Georgia in the United States of America during or after the civil war.
Joseph Brown was an important politician in Georgia who served as the forty second governor of Georgia. Similarly Alfred Colquitt was also an important politician, attorney of Georgia.
He was the forty ninth governor of Georgia. John Gordon was also a politician and a planter who served Georgia in the post war years. B) All the three worked for the betterment of Georgia and develop it.
they should sentence people based on the that case and definents
sorry i couldent write a paragraph :(