The answer is C, Societies could be improved through the use of reason
Explanation: We dont talk about rats
poop is black and spicy pink if i chew lipstick
<em>Social boundaries are laid out friendly principles that are considered average in light of the fact that the vast majority in the public eye concur that they are sensible lifestyle choices. For example, in America, burping before others is discourte</em><em>d</em>
The Social <em>Democratic</em> leader launched a broadside against both monetary and political union.
Today, the new members of <em>parliamentary</em> will be sworn in and begin their terms as lawmakers.
President Rodrigo Duterte has a <em>Presidential</em> campaign
Every <em>citizens</em> may claim the protection of the law.
The <em>Government </em><u>continued to heavily tax the people until there was a national revolt against the duties.</u>
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<em>I </em><em><u>hope it help you a lot.</u></em>
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