A. The mystery around the monkey's paw is introduced
Hints of this lie in the adjectives such as "curiously" and the mention of "magic" which tells the reader that there might be something more to monkey's paw, and that maybe we should be curious.
feed forward as when we read prologue we know what will be story
The answer of the given questions are stated below.
5. The correct answer for the question- Jerzy feel bored staying at home as a result he developed a lot of negative thoughts which of the following may help Jerzy deal with his negative thought is - A. Draw and paint
6. The correct answer for the question- Jessie is a starting to worry about gaining weight do the lockdown which of the following may help him deal with his feelings is - C. Do some home based exercises
7. The correct answer for the question- Which of the following is the best for Karl to do in order to deal with his fear of getting infected with covid-19 is - D. putting him in isolation
8. The correct answer for the question- Which of the following shows a problem with emotional wellness is - A. Ian is having a lot of negative thought since he was left alone during the lockdown
9. The correct answer for the question- Which of the following shows a problem with nutritional wellness is - C. Siyan is gaining a lot of weight due to inactivity since the quarantine
10. The correct answer for the question- Which of the following shows a problem with financial wellness is - A. Kenjay's parents' savings is already running out due to the few months of quarantine
11. The correct answer for the question- Sarah is having difficulty in understanding her feelings. Who among the following should Sarah seek help from is - C. Psychologist
Learn more about wellness here-
Powerpoint?? or google slides?
O He means to show that everyone, not just he, has experienced sin and sorrow and should therefore try not to hide from others or from God.
Nathan iel Ha wtho rne's "The Minister's Bla ck Ve il" revolves around the story of a church priest who had a black ve il on his face no matter what. This black ve il would stay on him, unremoved, till his death.
De s pite many que sti ons and req u ests from E li z a beth, his girl friend, Fat her H oop er refused to let the ve il go n or would he all ow her to have a pe ek at his face once. Towards the end of the story, at his de at h bed, the dying H o oper refused to let the v eil go des pite the mi ni st er from West bury asking "Are you ready for the lif tin g of the v e il that sh u ts in ti me fr om et er ni ty?" Father H ooper instead told him that, like others use various means to hide their trans gress ions and sins, his v eil is taken as a means to hide sins. And in that discourse, he expressed his belief that everyone hides their s ins but that should not be how it should be. The si ns and sorrows should not be hidden from God and from others.
Thus, the correct answer is the first option.