He is a poll watcher. The role of the poll watcher is to observe if there are violations in the campaign and voting that involves the voters and the officials. He/She will report any violations to the assigned official of the election in order to void their votes or candidacy.
It stated that a slave would count for only three fifths of a person in congress
<span>The purpose of the Open Door Policy was to give all nations equal rights when trading with China, according to the Encyclopaedia Britannica. It was initiated by the United States and aimed to both enhance global trade and to promote China's welfare and sovereignty.</span>
The antiwar protests at Kent State took place on May 4, 1970. The students were protesting the Vietnam War. During the protests, the Ohio National Guard opened fire on the protestors and killed four students. Nine other students were injured. After the incident, a student-led strike closed many college campuses across the country.