what is this man is it question bro
Option C - Resources. Please let me know if it's correct or not
The first makes it not harder because it is just saying that u can’t be charged for any reasons that include but are not limited to ur religion , peaceful protest , freedom of speech etc the 14th makes it harder by doesnt make it harder because it’s just talking about equal cuz I’m rights for everyone . I’m not studying law but I looked it up and this is what I found hope this was helpful
school rules are similar to federal laws because they both (try) to restrict people from doing harmful or bad things. A typical American high school with out rules, or any consequences for breaking them would be anarchy. Kids could bully one another, fight each other, ruin school property with spray paint, fire, etc. They also might not do their homework, or school work in general. It depends on the kid with out rules. Some kids might go crazy, some kids might stay calm and collected.