When you are considering a financial institution you should consider what type of accounts you want to have, how much money you have and if you want to invest. Different financial institutions offer different rates and benefits for their members so it makes sense to figure out your options based on what you want in return.
It would be A. None of these items.
Insurance would never cover a TV, headphones, and two laptops.
He is very happy his daughter can reach her goal but he wants to make sure she is definitely sure on what she wants to spend the money on
<span>He is a quality control associate. This employee looks for the best ways to perform a task and makes sure that the company adheres to these quality control measures. The associate also makes sure that the output of the job meets up with company and regulatory standards.</span>
Price we are wiling to pay = $46.429
Hi, this can be calculated using the dividend discount model
Stock price we are willing to pay = D / (r - g) where,
D = Dividend
r = required rate of return of investor
g = growth
So working the formula gives us,
Price = 1.95 / (0.085 - 0.043)
Price = $46.429
This is the price we are willing to pay.
Hope that helps.