Raising awareness helps locate the issue, give it a public aspect, and gather resources to help solve the problem. People will start questioning their behavior and environment, and many will start being involved in finding the solution.
<u>Public awareness is the key to the wide specter of people to learn about society’s issues and potentially get around to solving them.</u> By raising awareness and informing people of the problems, they can get involved <u>– some can donate money, some can volunteer, organizations can be formed, etc. </u>
When the critical mass is gathered, governments, politicians, and professionals are also informed of the problem, and people can press for the <u>laws to be changed</u> and make the transition in society.
People can change the behavior, which can help in many social issues from racism and homophobia to the environment. Many people are in a privileged position where they are not even aware of what problems exist and how their behavior affects others. By raising awareness, <u>there can be a change to people’s consciousness</u> about problems in the community, about who has what privileges, and what can be done to make all social groups equal.